Well Monitoring

Monitoring the depth of a well is complex. Depth measurement systems are common and use ultrasonic or laser instruments to complete the job. This doesn't solve the problem, though: the measurement system needs power and data line access. In a remote location, cellular service is not available and power availability is scarce unless the well is ... Read More »

1st Aug 2021
Interoffice Text Message System

Office messaging is challenging on its own with staff in the field, and the addition of work-from-home staff just adds complexity. Sondroyo built an interoffice text message system for a small business client, using Twilio for text message delivery services. Not only does the system accept messages from a web form, but it also can handle automated ... Read More »

1st May 2021
Network Planning & Purchasing

Small business office IT systems have become more complex. A typical small business runs a wired network, a wireless network for staff, a wireless network for guests that should be on a separate VLAN from staff equipment, security cameras, IP phones, printers, servers, and even VPN or remote access services.Sondroyo offers the most flexible and ... Read More »

1st Dec 2020
Corona/SARS2 Distance Learning

Updating the March 13, 2020 publication of this guidance:Distance learning and interaction here we come. Here are some good ideas for distance learning setups. We're assuming Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts/Microsoft Classroom, Prezi or is in use. A full on tracking camera experience might make use of Mevo or an indoor SOLOSHOT (indoor ... Read More »

23rd Jul 2020
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