Instructional Youtube Video Editing

Sondroyo has invested time in understanding, optimizing, and producing basic documentation style Youtube content. Youtube is a tool that can be used not just by idle consumers of TV content but also by businesses attempting to document processes, attract clients with introductory videos, and share instructional videos with students. We have ... Read More »

1st Jan 2022
10 Mile Wireless Link Upgrade

Sondroyo recently upgraded the link between Portsmouth, NH, and Star Island Corporation, a conference center and retreat about 10 miles from downtown Portsmouth. Star now has almost 5 times as much dedicated bandwidth available with headroom for future upgrades.The project was completed in cooperation with Shoals Marine Lab staff, Star Island ... Read More »

1st Oct 2021
Well Monitoring

Monitoring the depth of a well is complex. Depth measurement systems are common and use ultrasonic or laser instruments to complete the job. This doesn't solve the problem, though: the measurement system needs power and data line access. In a remote location, cellular service is not available and power availability is scarce unless the well is ... Read More »

1st Aug 2021
Interoffice Text Message System

Office messaging is challenging on its own with staff in the field, and the addition of work-from-home staff just adds complexity. Sondroyo built an interoffice text message system for a small business client, using Twilio for text message delivery services. Not only does the system accept messages from a web form, but it also can handle automated ... Read More »

1st May 2021
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